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Open an Asset Summary

Get a 360 view on a single page

Barry Thomson avatar
Written by Barry Thomson
Updated over a week ago
  • Feature: Open the Asset Summary page.

  • Use: Quickly learn about asset changes on one page. You can also launch asset-related work like recording a task or creating a work order.


Know how to open the Asset Registry page.

Opening an asset summary page

Start by opening the Asset Grid.

  1. Go to the side menu and select Assets > Asset Registry.

  2. Click an asset definition tile. The asset grid displays in a new window.

Go to the grid, find the Asset Number column, and click the link. The Asset Summary page displays.

Optionally, click the plus (+) icon in the top menu to expand all folders and unhide asset links.

Reviewing the asset summary page

The Asset Summary page has many sections.

  1. Summary - Get key information like the asset number and unique identifier. Use the toolbar to edit the information in the widget and open the Geneology page. Click the three-dot icon to open a menu with quick links to many tools (e.g. record a task) and pages (e.g. view work orders).

  2. Asset Elements - Displays values in the asset definition elements. Use the toolbar to view changes and edit values. Click the eye icon to hide or unhide fields.

  3. Recent Tasks - Shows a list of recent asset-related tasks. Click a link to see task details.

  4. Tasks - Shows the total number of asset-related tasks. Click the widget to display all tasks in a grid.

  5. Files - Show the number of files uploaded to the asset folder. Click the widget to display a grid and access the files.

  6. Links - Add one or more links to outside resources related to the asset, like a DropBox file or YouTube video.

  7. Work orders - Shows the number of open work orders. Click the widget to display a list of work orders in a grid.

8. Telematics - If installed, the map shows the asset's location.

9. Comments - Add or review comments related to this asset.

10. Location - If a user mapped the asset's location, it displays here.

11. Activity Feed - Shows a log of updated asset elements and tasks recorded against the asset.

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