The Asset Registry is a method of accessing your assets according to their asset definitions, and allows for various forms of sorting and management, including:
By text
By visibility
By project
By classes and category
By tasks - select a task definition, whether the assets do or do not contain tasks of that definition, the date the task was potentially associated with the asset, and finalize the filter by clicking Add Task. Multiple task definitions can be added as filters and can be set to be an And/Or filter. Apply the filter by clicking Finish.
Edit an asset definition (highlighted in blue). This opens the Asset Definition Manager in a pop up window with the selected definition preloaded
Definition Controls:
Create an asset, using the selected type/definition (highlighted in red) - Opens Create Asset with the selected definition preloaded
Map all assets of this type/definition (highlighted in green)
Load a grid layout (highlighted in orange) - Allows the user to select a custom grid layout (if any exist) and load an asset grid
Apply a filter and load an asset grid (highlighted in pink): Uses the filter builder to apply a user defined filter and then load an asset grid
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