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Mass Import Assets

Create assets by importing a spreadsheet

Mike Maat avatar
Written by Mike Maat
Updated over 7 months ago
  • Feature: Import assets from an Excel file.

  • Use: Save time with the bulk import tool.


Know how to create an asset definition.

Opening the Mass Import page

  1. Go to the side menu and click Utilities > Mass Import.

  2. On the new page, click the Import Type field and select Assets.

  3. Click the Import Definition field and select an asset definition.

  4. Click the Download Template link. The Excel file downloads to your device.

Open the Excel file. Do not change the top row or column labels. Add one record to each row. Empty cells are okay if they are not mandatory elements in the asset definition.

Mapping fields

Upload the file to the Excel Upload window. Nektar displays the columns and suggested mappings (if possible). Review the fields and make sure the mapping is complete and correct.

Depending on the asset definition, the top of the page might display several grey blocks with no mapping (e.g. asset number, project, etc.) These blocks are linked to fields or widgets on the asset summary template. You can map these fields now if there is a matching asset definition element. In some cases (e.g. asset number), Nektar can auto-generate a value for each asset if you leave the mapping empty.

Scroll down the page, review the white blocks, and confirm each element label is mapped correctly. If a change is required, click a field and select a different element.

Previewing the mappings

To test the mapping solution, click the Preview button. If there are errors, an Alert popup displays and describes the problems. In the example below, the Excel file has empty cells in mandatory fields.

Open the Excel file on your device and update cell values as required. Then, go to the Excel Upload window, click the X to remove the current file, and upload the updated file. Click the Preview button again.

If you change the asset definition to solve mapping errors, you must reload the asset definition on the Mass Import page.

When the mapping is error-free, the Preview Import page displays the assets to be imported. Click Cancel to make changes or Import to create the assets.

Confirming the import

Once the import completes, check the results on the Asset Registry page. The table includes the new assets.

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