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Task Definition Manager - Advanced Settings
Written by Ranger
Updated over a week ago
  • Feature: Learn how to configure asset definition Advanced Settings.

  • Use: Manage settings that allow users to enable telematics, beacons, asset genealogy, and more.


Know how to create and open an asset definition.

Opening the advanced settings window

  1. Open an asset definition.

  2. Go to the top right corner of the page and click the three-dot icon.

  3. Select Advanced Settings.

Configuring advanced settings

The Advanced Settings popup has three sections: General, Default Grid Groupings, and Asset Summary Widgets.


All General settings are disabled by default. Check a box to enable a feature.

  • Enable Beacon - If enabled, Nektar displays a Beacon widget in the asset summary. Users can link assets with this definition to a beacon.

  • Force Icon for Asset Avatar - This feature controls the avatar that displays on the asset summary page. If enabled, every asset with this definition displays the asset definition avatar. If disabled, each asset summary page displays its unique photo (if uploaded).

  • Location Locked by Default - This is a useful feature for assets that have accurate locations that shouldn't change. question

  • Enable Genealogy in Create Asset - question. Learn more.

Default Grid Groupings

Asset Summary Widgets

Use these settings to control the display of two widgets on the asset summary page.

  • Map Widget - If enabled, the page displays the Location widget.

  • Comments Widget - If enabled, the page displays the Comments field.

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