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Configure Element Type Attributes

Customize input field settings for asset definitons

Barry Thomson avatar
Written by Barry Thomson
Updated over 9 months ago
  • Feature: Customize asset type definition elements.

  • Use: When creating or editing definition elements, users can customize the Attributes settings to define the type of value (e.g. text, date, list, etc.) that goes into the input field.


Know how to create and manage asset elements.

Attribute type

  • Check Box - Set the default value for a checkbox. The box is checked or unchecked.

  • Date - There are three options: None, Today, and Custom. If you select Custom, Nektar displays a calendar. Scroll through the calendar and click a date.

  • Photo - No attribute option.

  • List - Add a list with a drop-down menu. Learn more about asset lists.

  • Numeric - Create a field for numbers. Optionally, add a default value. When a user creates an asset, they can overwrite the default value.

  • Signature - No attribute option.

  • Sketch - No attribute option.

  • Slider - Enter a minimum, maximum, and default value.

  • Text Box - Select one of three options. None leaves the text box blank. Email inserts a default address template ( ___ @ ___). Phone displays a number template ( (___) ___-____ ).

  • Time - Select one of three options: None, Now, or Custom. If you select Custom, Nektar displays a clock. Click the fields to set the hour, minutes, and seconds. Optionally, change the default Time Interval value (which is one minute). Click the field and select an option on the drop-down.

  • Sequencer - This field adds a sequenced number to the element. Each asset created with this definition displays a number in sequence. Click the field and select an existing sequencer or create a new one. To create a new sequencer, click Manage Sequence. A popup displays. Click the plus (+) icon. Add a name and prefix. The third field shows the last used sequence number.

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