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Mass Import Lists

Create lists by importing a spreadsheet

Barry Thomson avatar
Written by Barry Thomson
Updated over 8 months ago
  • Feature: Import lists from an Excel file.

  • Use: Save time with the bulk import tool.


Know how to create a list.

Opening the Mass Import page

Go to the side menu. Click Utilities> Mass Import.

  1. On the new page, click the Import Type field and select Lists.

  2. Click the Import Definition field and select a definition.

  3. Click the Download Template link. The Excel file downloads to your device.

Creating a simple list

Follow these steps to create a list with one level of menu items. Scroll down to learn how to create a multi-level list.

Open the Excel file. Do not change the top row or column labels. Add one record to each row. Do not add a list name (that's the next step).

Upload the file to the Excel Upload window. Nektar displays a field. Enter the list name here. Click Preview.

Previewing the list

The list displays in a new window. Click Cancel to make changes or Import to create the list.

Creating a multi-level list

You can create a multi-level list. Add level labels to row 1. Each menu item is a separate row in the spreadsheet.

If you want three levels of menu items, make multiple copies of Level 1 and Level 2.

Confirming the import

Once the import completes, open the List Manager page and select the correct category. The table displays the list and menu items.

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