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Create an External List

Add a list with multiple layers to an asset or task definition

Barry Thomson avatar
Written by Barry Thomson
Updated over 7 months ago
  • Feature: Create a List-type element for asset and task definitions.

  • Use: Display all selected values in a multi-layer list on a summary page.

There are two types of lists: Internal and External. This article shows you how to create an External list. Click here to learn how to set up an Internal list.

Choose the External option when you want to display the selected value of each list layer on a summary page. In the screenshot below, the list shows values for brand, model, and license plate number.


Know how to create an asset element or task element. Know how to create a list with two or more layers. The screenshot below shows an example of a list (called Location) with three layers: country, state/province, and city.

Opening the attributes window

An External list is a bundle of two or more List-type elements connected through parent-child associations. To create a bundle for a list with three layers, complete four steps.

  1. Create a List-type element that will serve as the top parent.

  2. Create another List-type element that will serve as a parent and child.

  3. Create a third List-type element that will serve as the final child.

  4. Make sure the list elements are in the correct order in the asset definition.

The number of List-type elements you need to create depends on the number of layers in the list. For example, if your list has four layers (e.g. country, state/province, city, zip/postal code), you would create four list-type elements: one top parent, one final child, and two middle parent/child lists.

Creating the top parent

In this example, we create a three-layer External list for excavator equipment. The list will show the brand name, model number, and license plate number.

Open an asset (or task) definition in the edit mode. Create a new List-type element (or edit an existing one). In this example, our top parent list is called Brand.

Select the Attributes tab and:

  1. Select External.

  2. Leave the Parent List Element field empty.

  3. Click the Source List field (e.g. Excavator Lists) and select a list.

  4. Click Save.

Nektar adds the list to the elements column.

Creating the middle layer

The middle layer serves as a child for the top parent (see above) and the parent for the last layer, which is a child (see below). If your list has more than three layers, you could create multiple middle-level layers.

On the definition page, create a new List-type element. In this example, the new list is called Model. Click the Attributes tab and then:

  1. Select External.

  2. Click the Parent List Element field and select the name of the top parent list you created in the first step (e.g. Brand).

Notice that Nektar hides the Source List field. Click Create.

Nektar adds the new list to the elements column.

Creating the child layer

This step shows you how to create the final child. On the definition page, create a new List-type element. In this example, the final list layer shows vehicle License plate numbers. Click the Attributes tab and then:

  1. Select External.

  2. Click the Parent List Element field and select the middle list you created in the second step (see above). In this example, that list's name is Model.

Notice that Nektar hides the Source List field. Click Create.

Nektar adds the new list to the list of elements. Ensure the connected lists are in order, from top parent to bottom child. If they are not in order, click and drag the hamburger icon to change the list order.

Testing the list

Go to the asset (or task) definition and create a new asset or record a new task. Each list layer should be visible on the form. Test each layer to ensure they display the correct options and values.

Go to the summary page. You should see the selected value for each layer in the External list fields.

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