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Work Order Manager Overview

Get a real-time view of individual and company orders

Martin Sawicki avatar
Written by Martin Sawicki
Updated over a week ago
  • Feature: View, filter, and update work assignments.

  • Use: Each user with an assigned work order (or follower) can keep the team current by updating the status of a work order or adding a comment. Project managers can track work order progress across the company and filter orders by the user and user group.


Users with group-level permissions can view the work order manager.

Reviewing the work order manager

To open the manager, go to the side menu and select Word Orders > Work Order Manager. The Manage page has two blocks.

  • My Work Orders - This block has a toolbar (see below) and shows work orders assigned to the logged-in user and work orders with the user listed as a Follower.

  • Company Work Orders - This section has a toolbar (see below) and shows all work orders within the company.

By default, the page shows all active work orders but hides those with a Completed status.

The Manage page displays five work order status options. Users can customize status options on the Company Work Order Settings page.

Using the toolbar

  1. Refresh the page - Display new or updated work orders.

  2. Grid - Open a new window to display work orders in table format.

  3. Calendar - Open the calendar widget in a new window. The calendar shows work orders on their due dates. Click an icon to open the work order in a new window.

  4. Filter - Change the display. Within Company Work Orders, you can sort by user, user group, or status. Within My Word Orders, you can sort by status.

  5. Sort - Click the arrow and use the drop-down menu to change the display order of work order names (e.g. by number, name, date created, status, etc.).

  6. Create - Create a new work order (available on the Company Work Orders toolbar).

Viewing completed work orders

By default, Nektar hides work orders with a Completed status. To view those work orders on the Manage page, go to the My Work Orders or Company Work Orders section and click the filter icon. Select Completed in the drop-down menu.

Managing work orders

Click a work order name. A new window displays. Users with permissions can review and update work order settings and details.

  • Without the Edit tool - Change work order settings and details (e.g. add or update line item tasks, enter a comment, etc.). Learn more about updating settings.

  • Within the Edit tool - Some work order features and elements can only be changed with the Edit tool (e.g. due date, notifications, delete, etc.). Learn more about editing a work order.

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