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Send Users a Notification

Prompt users to take action on a work order

Barry Thomson avatar
Written by Barry Thomson
Updated over a week ago
  • Feature: Manually send a notification to a user

  • Use: Ask a work order assignee to take action.

This article shows project managers how to send a notification to a user within the work order workflow. There are other ways to send users a message from the Nektar platform. Learn more.โ€‹


Know how to create a work order.

Sending a notification

  1. Go to the side menu and click Work Orders > Work Order Manager. A new page displays.

  2. Click a work order name. The work order displays in a new window.

  3. Go to the Assigned To box and click a user name. The user profile page displays in a new window.

  4. Click the Send Notification button. A popup displays.

Enter a brief message in the popup. Optionally, use the toolbar to add formatting, styling, or links. In the screenshot below, the project manager inserted a link to the work order page. Click Send.

Understanding the user's view

The message recipient can see, read, and respond to messages within the Nektar Message Center. Click the Message Center icon to display all messages.

When a recipient opens a notification within the Message Center, Nektar changes the message's status to Read on the sender's dashboard.

Use the Nektar notification system to send messages to an account contact. That message goes to the user's Message Center account and external email service account (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc.) if the user did not opt out of that email service.

If a recipient opens a message from a Nektar user within their external account, the Message Center cannot track email opens. Therefore, the message's status remains Unread. In addition, the Message Center cannot receive replies to Nektar messages sent from an external email service provider account.

Learn more about Message Center settings.

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