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Create a Map Layout

Save and reload mapped data

Mike Maat avatar
Written by Mike Maat
Updated over a week ago
  • Feature: Save a map configuration.

  • Use: Load saved map layouts with specific data sets.



Opening the map page

Go to the side menu and click Map > View Map. You can also click the map icon near the top left corner of the page.

Saving a map layout

First, load map data, layers, or settings. In the example below, the user displays assets on the map by type.

Select the Layouts tab, click the Save icon, and click Save as New Layout.

In the popup, enter a unique name. Optionally, select a folder (if available). Click Save.

In the next popup, click the field and select one or more groups to enable group permissions. Optionally, leave the field blank and click Save to grant access to all user groups.

The layout displays in the column.

Loading a saved layout

Open a map and select the Layouts tab. Select a layout name and then click Load Layout. The saved map displays in the window.

Managing layouts

Right-click a saved layout name. On the popup menu, you can change the layout name, delete the layout, or add a folder.

To place a layout inside a folder, click and drag the layout name. Similarly, click and drag a layout to remove it from a folder.

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